My husband and I got back last night from a four-day trip to Las Vegas to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary. (Child bride! Child bride!) It was a wonderful trip, full of memorable meals, a couple of shows, a fancy and romantic hotel, and a smallish bit of gambling. I think I came home with a few dollars in winnings, maybe. And, as it is always nice to have extra family members along when you celebrate your wedding anniversary with your husband, my father was in Vegas playing poker at the same time we were and my brother and sister-in-law drove in to say hello one day, too. I refuse to share any photos, as one or all of us looks positively demented in every single photo that I took. We stayed at the
Venetian, which is always fun,
and saw two shows,
Penn and Teller and
La Reve, both of which were real
ly good, especially since we
lucked out and had perfec
t seats both times. My big
complaint (besides my late
-night freak-out the night
before we left when I rea
lized that I had nothin
g cute to wear in Vegas) w
as that, once again, I did
n't see any celebrities. I
'm not talking about an
expected celebrity at a s
how, but a random sighting
, with the possibility of s
ome minor stalking on my pa
rt, like the time Ozzie Osbo
urne and I were touring th
e same thing in Hawaii. B
ut Vegas, never. This ann
oys me to no end, because e
veryone except me, sees a c
elebrity, even a questionable reality show star, in
Las Vegas. Even my father,
who has no interest in ce
lebrity sighting, except if
he happened to be playing
at the same poker table wi
th someon
e famous, saw Dolly Parton st
ep out of her limo this pa
st weekend becau
se there was some sort of
country music awards cere
mony on the strip. This, of c
ourse, led Dad to reminisc
e about the time, years ago
, before I was born, when
he rear-ended Charlton Hes
ton's limo w
ith a news truck he was
driving in New York City. L
ook, all I'm asking for is
a random celebrity sightin
g while in Vegas. I could
n't just sort of bump in
to Nicole Kidman in a publ
ic restroom or see Reba at the pool? Hey
, they were there for that
country music thing, too,
but I didn't see them. I
almost think it's a conspi
racy. Conspiracy theories
aside, it was a nice, q
uick get-away, and
it was especially gratifying
to talk to my mom back hom
e, babysitting the kid, whe
n I was luxuriating by the
pool, and she said it was
sleeting in Kansas City. O
f course, now it's back to
the real world, which L
as Vegas certainly is not.
I went and worked out thi
s morning and stocked up o
n salad greens today in an
attempt to make up for the, um, excesses of the
past few days.